Underdog has a regular posting on his blog called "Three Things". Since he's no longer on Facebook it seems to be his way of expressing random thoughts. I think might try doing that a bit as well since I am no longer posting on Facebook (although I am still reading it from time to time).
1. Today we spent the evening with family celebrating the 11th birthday of my eldest daughter. What I witnessed today was simply evidence of God's grace in this young girl's life. She baked a whole cake by herself. She set it to cool and then removed them from the pans. She made the icing and then iced the cakes. She made one small round cake for herself and then she iced and decorated a small round cake for her uncle's girlfriend, whom she has grown to love very much. She shared her birthday celebration with someone else. Among all of this, she also took initiative to help pack the van so we could get over there. She also helped unloaded it. There were many other mature things I witnessed her do today. I am very proud her. Happy birthday, sweet JB.
2. Family is complicated. It's so hard to find conversation at times. I often leave feeling rather foolish simply because I feel as if some where along the line I have opened my mouth and inserted my foot. I am searching so much for common ground and yet I just can't find much. I usually end of reverting back to telling funny stories (often at the expense of someone else) just to get rid of the uncomfortable silence that shows up. . .and that is when the TV is off, if ever.
3. Underdog and I have been saying for a long time that we are done growing our family naturally. I will admit, however, that I am questioning that idea. There is a permanence to what we are considering and it will be hard to turn around. I believe that the Lord has given me assurance that we are in line with His will. . .if only our hearts are open to other doors. The orphans of this world cry for homes on a daily basis. In many ways, their hearts are so empty that they can't fathom a home with loving parents and siblings. And as I read tonight, God didn't say He would put orphans in orphanages. Those are man's ideas. He said He would put the lonely in families. "God sets the lonely in families. .." (Ps. 68:6 NIV) God wants these children to have homes. I wonder. . .does God have a specific home for all these precious children? Are we listening to the call if He does? I recently heard that if every one family in four in the church would adopt a foster child in America, there would be no more foster children. Can you imagine what would happen if the other three families went overseas and did the same thing? WOW!!!! There is no greater show of the gospel than to adopt for we are all adopted by God. Why isn't the church answering this call? Why aren't we?
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