Sunday, April 4, 2010

Feelin' Feminine Challenge

Modesty is a topic that is very close to my heart.   Now that I have little girls this area has become even more important to me.  I talk with my girls alot about guarding their bodies.  We must keep them covered in order not to cause our brothers in Christ to stumble.  But we must also guard and protect them FOR our husbands.  A godly women does her husband good all the days of her life.  I believe this begins when they are young and modest plays a roll in this.

We start early talking about modesty with our girls.  For me this has always kind of started around 3 or 4 years old.  But recently I have felt convicted that I should even be helping to guard the body of my littlest girl.  What habits we start now (like running around naked or in a diaper) could potentially become problems in the future.

We have no specific conviction about wearing dresses and skirts only, at least not right now.  I will admit that my jeans and pants are a bit of stumbling block for me.  I love wearing them.  They are more comfortable to me sometimes.  Recently Underdog and I discussed the idea of simply making sure that if we do wear jeans or capri (no shorts above the knees anymore) that we would also attempt to wear a shirt that would fall belong our hips and backside.  My almost 11 yod, JennaBear, has grown to prefer that look but I remember many years ago being very convicted by her desire to dress in a distinctly feminine ways, much like her 7 yod sister now.

I post this in on behalf of my Schmootzy Poo my 7 yod.  I found a blog that I saved just for my girls to read when they are old enough to start visiting a few sites.  Feelin' Feminine is one such blog.  I love this site because it's encouraging to me to see older teen girls who are taking the call to modesty very seriously.  And they don't look frumpy in the least.  They honestly look very modern but are simply promoting the idea of distinctly feminine dress.  When I told Schmoo about the challenge she wanted to do it immediately.  So promised her when they did another challenge I would sign our blog up and blog on it for a week.  She convinced Jennabear to do this with her.  Mom is on hold as she struggles to find clothes to wear right now.  But I wear as many dresses and skirts as I can find that are comfortable and not too tight.

You can find more about the Feelin' Feminine Challenge here.  We will be taking pics of the girls and posting how they went through their day in feminine dresses.  This should be fun for all us.  Please join us in this.  Dresses are what make women in our culture distinctly feminine.  In many ways, pants are rather uni-sex but that is a topic for another blog.

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