I recently wrote a blog about looking further in the s*x trafficking industry and doing something to help these girls and women. I wanted to share another resource with you to check out further. It's called Shared Hope International. I heard Linda Smith, the founder, on a radio talk show this morning. She was discussing her book Renting Lacy, which is a fictional account of this industry but inspired by the girls that have been rescued. They are giving the book away free or with a small donation. If you want to know more, this book is a good place to start. Also, I do encourage you to give at least a small donation to cover the cost of the book. This will allow the money it would cost to pay for publishing to go toward their ministry work.
They also have a page on this website that explains six ways to take action. I will relist them here.
1. Be an expert on the topic! You can’t fight unless you know your enemy and the tactics he uses! Read Linda Smith's book, From Congress to the Brothel and get inspired. On the pages of this book you will meet several trafficking victims, hear their heartbreaking accounts, and witness the healing power of God in the lives of these precious girls. Order a complimentary copy of “Renting Lacy." To learn even more watch videos produced by Shared Hope International and read our research on child sex slavery in the USA.
2. Identify Trafficking and Spread the Word. The more people who know how to identify sex trafficking in the United States, the stronger we will be in our fight. Join the nationwide movement and host an Innocence Lost Vigil in your community as part of the End Demand: Kids are NOT for Sale Awareness Campaign. You can also learn more about sex trafficking in your community by getting a copy of the video "Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking - Prostituted Children in the United States" and educate your community.
3. Allow your money to follow your heart! You abhor the fact that children are being raped and tortured - help us help them! We cannot protect or rescue our children without financial support for the services they need. When you give a Gift of Hope with our online giving catalogue, you can also give in a friend or loved one's name - for a birthday or any other occasion. Additionally, they will even receive a hand written card in the mail with a personal message from you. Give a Gift of Hope today and save lives!
4.Take the Pledge - Become a Defender. Join forces with the men who are stepping up to protect their families and communities against the ravages of the commercial sex industry by taking a stand against it.Take the Defenders USA pledge today!
5. Sign a petition and inform your legislators. Shared Hope International is demanding justice... for the innocent girls who are trafficked in America and have no safe place to run... and for stronger penalties for the men who buy children. Sign our petition for justiceand add your voice to the fight against trafficking - When we join together we are powerful!
6. Most importantly, pray. Keep the victims of child sex trafficking, their families and all those individuals working to end this horrible abuse in your prayers. Offer up a weekly prayer petition for an end to child sex trafficking in the United States. You can sign up for our newsletter and get a regular reminder of those who need your prayers most.
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